With the new Trade Single Window (TSW) system for Custom’s Entries, Customs requires a more comprehensive view into the purpose of an export and has replaced Sold/Consigned with a series of Transaction Nature Types.
If you receive an error on your TSW Form asking for a Transaction Nature Code you are able to quickly update the current shipment and permanently set a default against a Customer.
The codes are as follows:
10 = Goods for final purchase/sale
11 = Goods for intended sale
12 = Goods for trial with right of return
13 = Transactions involving payment in kind
14 = Goods for sale to foreign travelers
15 = Goods for financial leasing
16 = Ships stores
17 = Bunkering (exports only)
18 = Self propelled craft
20 = Returned goods
21 = Replacement for returned goods
22 = Replacement for goods not returned
30 = Government aid initiative
31 = Private aid
32 = Other transfer of ownership without payment
40 = Goods for processing
41 = Goods for repair and maintenance against payment
42 = Goods for repair and maintenance free of charge
50 = Goods returned after processing
51 = Goods returned after repair and maintenance against payment
52 = Goods returned after repair and maintenance free of charge
60 = Goods for hire, loan, operational leasing
61 = Other temporary uses
90 = Other transactions
Add a Transaction Nature Code
Often, Prodoc will automatically select a Transaction Nature Code based on the old Sold/Consigned button from Prodoc II. You’ll want to double check that this remains the most valid code for your shipment/customer and change it accordingly.
To check and/or change the default Transaction Nature Code on a Customer, open Edit > Customers
Find the Customer you wish to edit, then double click to open
You’ll then be able to update the Customs Transaction Type under Port and Payment Details (about halfway across).
If you are already in a shipment, and your TSW form asks for a Transaction Nature Type, or the shipment has a type that’s different to the default against that Customer, you can also edit this while looking at the TSW form.
Please change the screen (to another form or to another tab) then switch back to the TSW form to save your changes and reload the page.