Customers. Customers customers customers, just the word customers gives an overwhelming sense of relief (most of the time).
Preface – Customers vs Prodoc II
Customers in Prodoc III, when compared to Prodoc II are the same…but different.
After an upgrade you will find all of your Customer information has carried across having pulled from the same database but with a wealth of extra fields and displayed in full on a single window.
EDI Addresses
Are the main change in how customers are configured and used, and are required to submit Custom’s Entries.
They differ slightly, but are strict in their configuration.
To fill these in, the easiest method is to simply copy them across by pressing the button then cleaning up the address in the format shown. It will attempt to put what it can find in the right locations, but often requires a little assistance.
If formatted correctly on all customers then this should not pose a problem when submitting CEDOs through TSW.